By Cole Hartin
Barring the extenuating circumstances of the pandemic, if you are not visiting folks in your congregation, then you are probably not their...
By Nick Comiskey
Every ministry context presents unique challenges and opportunities. Here’s mine: I serve as the associate rector of an Anglican (ACNA) church in...
These will be useful volumes to own — a kind of encyclopedia of pastoral wisdom to dip in and out of and a useful corrective to models of mission and ministry that over-emphasize advocacy or achievement at the expense of personal relationships.
By Jonathan Turtle
Christian priests and ministers of the gospel are called with precision and urgency to a single burning passion. Yes, particular individuals may...
This good and true shepherd’s interest in and care for all of us who became his “sons” was surely a sign to us that the Good Shepherd had plans for us and was counting on us to be His disciples.