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U.K. Bishops Unite Against Assisted Suicide

Archbishop Justin Welby: “There will be people who look at that and say the church is totally out of touch … but we don’t do things on the basis of opinion polls.”

Bp. Tomlin: Parliament Needs Prayer

Graham Tomlin: “We need our politicians to pray because we need them to know that they are not God, that whatever power they have is borrowed.”

Brothels Exploit Young Women

The Rt. Rev. Alastair Redfern says vulnerable young women, many of them from Eastern Europe, are being trafficked to the Peak District as sex workers.

New Debates, Few Insights

‘Thought for the Day’ and Bishops in the House of Lords survive loud challenges.

Peerage for Richard Chartres

Government extends unusual honor to the 133rd Bishop of London, now retired.

Somewhere, Ian Paisley Is Smiling

Prime Minister Theresa May needs the late Ian Paisley’s Democratic Unionist Party to continue her leadership.

Australia’s Marriage Debate

Parliament rejects a plebiscite, which may lead to a three-year national conflict.

No to Suicide

Three members of a New Zealand bioethics council oppose a law permitting euthanasia.

Names Govern Thought

Church of England’s marriage report: “[N]ames govern how we think, and how we think governs what we learn to appreciate.”

C of E Responds to Cameron

“The uniqueness of marriage is that it embodies the underlying, objective distinctiveness of men and women.”


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