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Pax Covidica, or Losses and Gains of the Pandemic

The global pandemic accelerated processes of change in Christian life that had been set in motion over the past two decades by the widespread...

Canonical Obedience

By Steve Rice Some time ago, a bishop told me that when the hurricane is coming, you don’t call a vestry meeting to vote on...

We Must Restore the Chalice: Here’s How to Do It Health-Consciously

By Hannah Bowman As we approach two years since the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, pressing questions remain for how changes in worship practices...

Coronavirus and Communion in One Kind

In response to the continued risks posed by COVID-19, many churches have restricted all communicants except the presider from reception of the sacramental wine....

Prayer in Time of Plague

The degree of physical adversity and suffering that was commonplace for our ancestors defies our imagination. We live on the other side of advances...

The Illusion of “The Present Moment”

This essay is a reflection on what some have called “the sacrament of the present moment.” It is in two parts, from experiences a...

COVID Taught Me How to Get Married

By Ben Christenson For the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God’s sight. —1 Corinthians 3:19 I got married last year at 22. In retrospect, I see...

A Time of Plague

Part Three in a series of Lenten meditations. By David Ney Let me fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is very great. ...

Worship Online & the Eucharistic Community – An English Perspective

By John Wallace The present restrictions on in-person public worship for the Church of England raises serious questions about the nature of the Church as...

We Will Remember Them

By Rosemary Kew In the small English town of Oundle, where my mother spent 35 of her last years, daffodils were planted in 1919 in...


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