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Executive Council Denounces ‘Potential Genocide’ in Gaza

In a preview of what is likely to be a contentious debate at the June General Convention, Executive Council labeled Israel's ongoing war against...

Executive Council Denounces ‘Potential Genocide’ in Gaza

A searing account from a Palestinian priest

Violence and Lament, Justice, Peace, and Hope

A Sermon for Parents’ Weekend, 2023 at St. James School He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require...

From Bethlehem, a New Primatial Cross

A gift from the Diocese of Southeast Florida.

Council Considers Palestine, Lay Pensions and More

Creating a carefully targeted "no-buy" list of companies doing business in Palestine.

Israel-Palestine Divides the Houses

Between July 9 and July 12, eight resolutions on the matter have collectively consumed nearly three hours of legislative time.

Deputies Move on MeToo, Israel

The House of Deputies has passed a substitute resolution to shed light on the harassment and exploitation of women in the church.

Ideas for Israel-Palestine Debate

Bishops and deputies have issued recommendations to enable “a prayerful, thoughtful and respectful engagement that facilitates genuine discernment.”

Mennonites Approve Divestment

The Mennonite Church USA will divest from companies that profit from Israel’s military presence in Palestine.

Make Room for Healing

Alex Joyner challenges Christians to work for peace according to the mind and spirit of the crucified Christ.


Top headlines. Every Friday.