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Oxford Movement

Order of the Holy Cross Sees Growth in Vocations

Since January 2023 at OHC’s American house, one man has made a life profession of vows, another has made a first profession of vows, and three became new novices. Its South African house has welcomed three new novices, one of whom recently took first vows.

Pusey Vindicated

Grace and Incarnation The Oxford Movement’s Shaping of the Character of Modern Anglicanism By Bruce D. Griffith with Jason R. Radcliff Pickwick, pp. 216, $26 Review by Chip...

The Holy Trinity: Indwelling the Mystery

By Chip Prehn The Church the world over celebrated the Feast of the Holy Trinity on Sunday, May 30th. What used to be called “the...

Race and Reserve in the High Church Tradition: A Doctoral Thesis Report

By Brandt L. Montgomery Like many of my colleagues here on Covenant either have done or are in the process of doing, for the past...


The first part of this essay explored the embodied character of grace in Tractarian spirituality. Yet we must recognize that it is precisely in...

Parish Practice, Anglo-Catholicism, and the Oxford Movement

What many see as a clear connection between the Oxford Movement and later Anglo-Catholicism is not real.

American Anglo-Catholicism and Black Episcopalians: Integrating the Narrative

Has Anglo-Catholicism appealed to black Episcopalians?

Oxford Movement exegesis and sacramental ontology

In the world that Augustine and Aquinas inhabited, created things and human institutions were interconnected with heavenly realities, knit together in Christ in whom “all things hold together” (Col. 1:17). We seem not to inhabit this world.

John Wesley, Catholic forerunner?

John Henry Newman wrote, "Who would not rather be found even with Whitfield and Wesley, than with ecclesiastics whose life is literary ease at the best, whose highest flights attain but to Downing Street or the levee?"

The Oxford Movement’s sacramental interpretation of Scripture

For the Oxford Movement, the interpretation of the Bible is inextricably bound up with the doctrine of the Incarnation and the sacraments, so that to neglect a sacramental or allegorical interpretation is in some way to fail to appreciate, or even to deny, these doctrines.


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