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Working on Anglican-Orthodox Unity in the Shadow of War

We thought it would be an auspicious time to visit the Holy Land. On October 3rd, my wife, Shannon, and I traveled to Jerusalem...

‘This Is the Way’: Communion Across Difference in The Mandalorian

Be advised, this essay contains spoilers for The Mandalorian. Amber Noel I’m a Star Wars loyalist. Its universe has always entranced me. Unlike the Star Trek...

A Social-Transcendental Argument

By George Sumner This year marks the 30th anniversary of Reclaiming Faith, a work that Ephraim Radner and I edited to bring the lens of...

Roundtable: Why I Write for Covenant (David Goodhew)

Periodically, we like to take stock of our work and mission. How can Covenant best serve the Anglican Communion and wider Christian family? And...

The Church Needs an Ancient Faith if It Is to Survive

Lawrence Lew, OP | Flickr | https://bit.ly/2NOVIyz

Rohr Shock

To say that Rohr is outside the bounds of the mainstream Christian theological tradition is not a harsh attack on him. Rather it is to simply take him seriously.

A Chance for Young Anglicans to Clear the Air

How should young Anglicans respond to the battles they have inherited?

Augustine and Pelagianism: Myth, Heresy, and Orthodoxy

Pelagius did not in fact hold the majority of the positions ascribed to him. What does this mean for orthodoxy?

Biblical Trinitarian Language for Those in Need

It is possible to pray with, to, and within the Trinity using biblical language and yet without words that have masculine and patriarchal overtones in common English usage. Pray, I suggest, in the name of the one God: Abba, Christ, and Holy Spirit.

The Trinity, Orthodoxy, and Our Common Story

We have the word of Jesus to rely upon: he and the Father are one, that the Holy Spirit will come among us, that we now have the glorious gift of calling God Our Father.


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