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ordinary time

Ethics: The Everyday Matters

Ethics is often thought to deal with “big questions” and dramatic choices, but in fact the most important and significant aspects of our lives are found in the everyday.

The Ordinary Life as Subversive

One of the greatest strengths of Little Women is that it is a story of very different sisters, and thus becomes a kind of fable of the very different paths a woman may choose.

Words of Eternal Life

Just as baptism leads to identification with Jesus’s divine Sonship, making us by adoption what belongs to Jesus by nature, so too in John this baptism-like scene provokes an understanding of our ongoing identification with and consideration of our life in Christ.

Jesus’s Mission Statement

Even Jesus had a mission statement to keep him on track with his identity as the Christ.

Learning to Sing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land

Living with faith, hope, and courage in the time between Jesus’ resurrection and the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come, our life is “on the way.”

We Need More Moral Ambiguity

In online outrage, often forgotten is the biblical counsel: “Let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness” (James 1:19–20).

Post-exilic Prophets and the Church Today

Serving as a rector in the increasingly secular Northeast, I often feel like I am working in an unstable religious context.

Easter in Ordinary Time

There is a strange kind of overlapping that we Christians find ourselves living out in between the first advent of Christ and his eventual glorious appearing.

Attending to Creation’s Wonder

St Basil: “I want creation to penetrate you with so much admiration that everywhere, wherever you may be, the least plant may bring to you the clear remembrance of the Creator.”

Devotion at home, the vindication of Anglicanism

At college, I was introduced to the Anglican tradition, to a Christian life that seemed whole and full.


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