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Requiem for a Nun: On Staying When Friends Leave

It was cold and damp the day the last Anglican mass was celebrated in the chapel at All Saints Convent...It was a Requiem

Ordinariate Evangelism and Archbishop Sheen

Abp. Fulton J. Sheen: “The only way to win audiences is to tell people about the life and death of Christ. Every other approach is a waste.”

New Ordinariate Norms

The norms, approved by Francis and released April 9, were drafted and published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Extraordinarily Ordinary

Do Anglican "ordinariates" in the Roman Catholic Church really manifest Anglican heritage?

For the Visitation: E.L. Mascall on the Incarnation and the Virgin

Mascall provides a profound reflection on the theology of the Incarnation, bursting with insights from St. Leo and St. Augustine.

Gathering the fruit, May 21: Roman Catholics ‘recognizing’ the Anglican patrimony

What do Roman Catholics consider the "treasures" or "elements of sanctity" in the Anglican tradition?

Ordinariate’s Missal Published

Ordinariate communities will use ‘Divine Worship: The Missal’ as of the First Sunday of Advent.

From Bladensburg to Shaw

The Rev. Mark Lewis: St. Luke’s will be “easily accessible to all in the D.C. metro area.”

Catonsville Chooses Ordinariate

Vicar general thanks Diocese of Maryland for “working with the community during this transition.”

Mount Calvary Enters Ordinariate

The Rev. Jeffrey Steenson, newly appointed ordinary of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, will receive members of Mount Calvary Church, Baltimore, on Sunday morning.


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