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Facing My Inner Racist

Fr. Bob Libby: “I’ve had a cross burned on my lawn, but I am a racist.”

Redefined by Fiat

Ephraim Radner: The words “man and woman” and “husband and wife” will now signify “two people” or “two persons.”

Jesuits Look Across Town

“The actions of GTS’s trustees could be mistaken for an isolated case of willful misunderstanding, but they are not.”

Troubling Company

Betsy Childs: It’s surprising that a vicar of the Church of England would speak to a group of anti-Semites in Iran.

Competing Anglican Fellowships

Peter Carrell: “We do not quite have Three Popes but we do have Three Anglican Fellowships.”

Pray, Reconcile, Repent

The Rev. Scott Gunn: “We must all pray, and not just for ‘our side’ if we have one.”

Another Reading of the PB

The Rev. Canon Mark Harris: “The Presiding Bishop does not use words carelessly.”

Scotland’s Choice

Andrew Goddard: “Things cannot and should not ever be the same again for Scotland or the rest of the United Kingdom.”

Football as Ordered Violence

Francis J. Beckwith: “At what point does a sport’s physicality shift … to gladiatorial exhibitionism?”

Speak Up and Save a Life

Joani Peacock: “Directly asking a person whether they are thinking of suicide can save that person’s life.”


Top headlines. Every Friday.