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Old Testament

Christ in the Law and the Prophets

Christians are a people of Scripture. Any doubt on this front should be effectively quelled by the Holy Week we recently celebrated. Palm Sunday...

There and Back Again: Historical-Critical Skepticism and Renewed Faith

By Jay Mills I was a very lapsed Episcopalian in the late 1960s and 1970s. I left to join the revolution, the one that never panned...

Wisdom for Life Under the Sun

Every year The Living Church's student essay contest draws several excellent submissions. The first-place essay will be published in the October issue of The Living Church magazine,...

Esau: Forgiveness and Seeing the Face of God

By Jean McCurdy Meade Esau gets a bad rap in the Bible. St. Paul quotes the prophet Malachi, “Jacob I loved but Esau I hated,”...

The Trinity in the Old Testament

By Jeff Boldt Modern Christians wrongly tend to view the Old Testament as the record of a religion that Christianity replaced. Not only does this...

Jesus Christ in the Old Testament

By Jeff Boldt Between Easter and the Ascension the risen Lord appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Famously, they didn't recognize Jesus,...

The Voice of the Old Testament

By Christopher Seitz One of my goals in college was to get the grades necessary to apply to a top law school. I happened...

A Neglected Gem: The Sunday First Lessons in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer

Lectionary and liturgical change has largely emptied Anglican services of Old Testament readings.

Reading the Bible through Keble’s mosaics

The Vision Glorious, part two

Inhabiting Job in Lent

Now in Holy Week, we remember where we began: with ashes smeared on our foreheads.


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