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My Experience of Post-Christianity

Part of the process toward being ordained in the Episcopal church is clinical pastoral education (CPE). I have long thought it would be profitable...

The Dread Spirit of the Age

This bundle of ideas — nihilism, atheism, the need to create our values, the reduction of everything to power — lies behind much that is deeply problematic in our time.

The Sculptor and the search for meaning

So many of the great artists of our generation are consumed by the task of trying to find a way of coping with a meaningless world.

The broken glass of the world

My cousin and I have an ongoing conversation that could be titled “What’s Next?” Our exchanges normally revolve around the dreadful state of education and the arts, whose jagged shards we break into even smaller bits. It is mostly an exercise for getting grouchiness out, while keeping it away from our wives, children, and in my case, parishioners. In our better moments, we have wildly optimistic ideas about how to put the pieces back together in the form of something holy and beautiful.

A response to Ross Douthat

Douthat is right in his reminder of the important ways in which liberal Christianity contributes positively to Western culture, but he is wrong in his diagnosis of our decline.


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