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We Believe All Myths Except the One That Is True

We take great delight in teaching and promulgating every possible myth but the one that is true.

The Last Jedi and the Christian story

Something new is appearing in the culture: a dissatisfaction with a banal materialism and a nostalgia for a story that gives hope, one that tells of a sacred tree.

Bogey in the Big ’80s

‘Stranger Things’ embodies G.K. Chesterton’s wisdom: “What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey.”

Desire prevails over reason

Faith, hope, and love — those absolutes of the Christian life — are instances of desire.

Zombies, pop culture, and the wage slave

Perhaps the zombie may be a myth at home in the post-Christendom of late modern society.

The myth of the miraculous turnaround priest

The sports turnaround saga has a very predictable but well-beloved story arc; often, we want to see this story in our churches as well.


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