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Seen Any Good Lent Movies Lately?

Yes, Lent movies exist. Here's four suggestions from Hollywood's Golden Age.

Baby Jesus and Playground Trash Talk

God descends into the messiness of our lives so that we might ascend to participate and share in his glory, a glory that does not result from our genetics, or bloodline, or our own self-determination, but from the sheer grace of God.

Sympathy for the Devil: The Joker, the Loneliness Epidemic and the Mission of the Church

As a film, The Joker is exceptionally good at portraying this sin-ravaged world — a bleak, decadent civilization where the bonds of mutual care have come entirely undone.

Jesus Reimagined in Modern South Africa

Christians have long struggled with seeing Jesus as Jewish. Yes, Christ becomes more relatable once “incarnated” in a specific cultural context.

Restoring Hope and Virtue in Avengers: Endgame

This Post Contains Spoilers for Avengers: Endgame By Leander Harding It is no secret that Marvel Cinematic Universe has been wildly successful. What might be surprising...

After Darkness, Light?

The documentary Calvinist is a visual tract intended primarily for American evangelicals unaffiliated and possibility unfamiliar with the movement.

Australia’s Spotlight

Don’t Tell is a courtroom drama about abuse in an Anglican boarding school.

A Blues Brothers mystagogy

Every other time I've watched this movie, the repeating theme wherein the “brothers” insist that they are on a “mission from God” came across to me simply as part of the joke of the movie or as a blasphemy.

Johannine Jesus

Review by Clint Wilson • The film Son of God commendably alights on the Johannine motif of Jesus as a heavenly Son.

Superman and Moral Pedagogy

Review by Benjamin M. Guyer • What happens when we strip reproduction of its majesty and mystery?


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