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Christmas With Our Mother

Last Christmas I was 10 days postpartum with my first child. Most of my memories of that time are lost in a sleep-deprived blur,...

Quality of Love

When I became pregnant, I learned that veteran parents talk to parents-to-be almost exclusively in clichés: “Sleep while you can”; “Your life is about...

The Tears and the Embrace of Ecclesia Mater

Eusebius of Caesarea is well known for his highly optimistic appraisal of the Roman Empire’s turn — first, in toleration, then, in support —...

Empowering Kenya’s Teenage Moms

When exams began on March 22 for the Kenya Certificate for Primary Education, which completes the first eight years of schooling, reports filtered in...

Joan of Arc’s Family Drama

Playwright Joan Anderson: “When I become a mother I understood what it’s like … to have a young girl who is strange but gifted and a mother who loves her no matter what.”

Grace and Daily Life

This book is a memoir and yet doubles as a devotional, especially for mothers and wives who fret about the day-to-day messiness of their lives.

The Catholic Church Needs Mothers

The Catholic Church is broken in a way that only Jesus can heal. But I have a suggestion for what might help.

The sharpening joy of motherhood

Every relationship invites us into new sharpening from God.

Children without mothers and fathers, without hope of adoption

The province of Ontario’s proposed Bill 28, the “All Families are Equal Act," proposes removing the terms "mother," "father," and "adoptive" from birth certificates.

New child, new dissertation, new holiness?

I began working on my dissertation proposal about two weeks before my daughter’s birth. My dissertation is now one chapter old and my daughter is seven months.


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