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Mother of God

Christmas With Our Mother

Last Christmas I was 10 days postpartum with my first child. Most of my memories of that time are lost in a sleep-deprived blur,...

Finding Mary Afresh

The Rev. Mark Michael reviews Mary, Bearer of Life.

Seeing the Nativity Anew

The Rev. Sarah Puryear reviews Divine Love: The Art of the Nativity.

A Postmodern Reflection on Mary the Second Eve

Among the various characterizations of Mary, I find myself repeatedly drawn to Mary as the Second Eve in parallel to St. Paul’s reference to Christ as the Second Adam (Rom 5:12, 15; I Cor 15:45, 47).

The home life of our own dear queen

If there is any truth to modern theories on the origins of empathy, then we cannot forget them when we think of how Christ comes into the world.


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