Editor's Note: This essay continues our series of essays marking the 800th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Aquinas.
The 800th centenary of St. Thomas...
Editor's Note: This essay won Third Prize in the 2024 TLC Student Essay Contest.
Amid the complexities of modern life, many pursue enduring happiness yet...
By Sam Keyes
When the news came that Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone had barred Speaker Nancy Pelosi from Holy Communion, I wondered how quickly Episcopal bishops...
Living in Love and Faith
Christian Teaching about Human Identity, Sexuality and Marriage
The Church of England
Review by Oliver O’Donovan
In the mid-twentieth century the Church of...
We can only really experience true and positive freedom within appropriate boundaries. Imagine trying to play football if there are no sidelines or end zones.
Advice columnists began to be popular in England right at the time that rigorous religious practices of casuistry were declining. Casuistry provided a common language regarding moral issues that spanned ecclesiastical and even denominational divides.
Perhaps the best thing someone said to me afterwards was, "I wish we had been doing this kind of thing for the past 30 years. I think it would have really been good for the church."