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A Millennial’s Open Letter to the Church

By Christopher. J. Coome There is a certain privilege that comes with being a convert. Not only do we experience that hallowed “conversion moment,” but...

True Religion in a Modern World

The Spirit of Early Evangelicalism: True Religion in a Modern World. By D. Bruce Hindmarsh Oxford University Press. Pp. 376 $38.95 Review by Gareth Atkins Among historians of evangelicalism...

Simone Weil and the Mission to Modernity

Simone Weil is a figure who is hard to categorize, a Christian mystic who resisted being baptized, a political philosopher who wrote only one complete book, which bases a theory of political organization on the needs of the human soul.

The Crisis of Modernity: A Recommendation of Augusto Del Noce

Del Noce perceived that this combination of destructive skepticism and romantic optimism was unstable, and that skepticism and relativism were bound to defeat and consume the romantic and optimistic revolutionary side of Marxism. When the proletariat didn’t rise up in revolution but instead were able to buy toasters and refrigerators and automobiles that were not available in socialist countries, the doom of the Soviet Union was sealed.

‘Besotted’ with Architecture

A ruling by a Church of England judge has resolved a conflict that has dragged on for 17 years.

Walker Percy, Doctor of Malaise and Desire

How can the individual find sanity in a sick and dying culture?

The Episcopal Church and Liberty

The gospel of Christ offers a greater vision of liberty than resorting to defining ourselves. The gospel rests on the promise that God, who on the sixth day spoke us into being, beheld us, and called us very good.

The Perils of Perpetual Liturgical Reform in a Liquid Age

It’s not updating a text here or there but a revision of the underlying assumptions about the act of worship.

Practical allegory

This paper is about liturgy. But it is also about the failure of liturgy. It is about the failure of liturgy to make us good.

Beyond the impasse

In the Analogical Turn, Johannes Hoff’s chief argument is that at the very birth of modern times, Nicholas of Cusa offered a path-not-taken, one definitively forward-looking.


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