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God’s Remedy

The Comfortable Words Through these first few weeks of Lent, we have studied the four Comfortable Words, found in our Book of Common Prayer and...

Diagnosing Our Problem

The Comfortable Words In this installment of our Lenten survey of the Comfortable Words, a key part of our Anglican liturgy, let us examine the...

God’s Divine Disposition

The Comfortable Words We are continuing a Lenten study of the Comfortable Words, a vital part of our Anglican liturgy. These are four Scripture passages...

Dust and Ashes

By Joseph Mangina "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” So run the familiar words spoken during the imposition of ashes...

Mercy First, Then Forgiveness

By Chip Prehn The more one knows, the more one’s mercy grows. He who knows all things is the most merciful of all. Lately the...

Mercy Triumphs Over Grace

Mercy provides catholic Anglicans a way to challenge our Protestant brethren with a hermeneutic that is grounded throughout the witness of Scripture (including St. Paul, especially if one reads “grace” as an aspect God’s merciful response to the human condition), is firmly rooted in theological reflections on the Trinity (Kasper especially leans on St. Augustine), and dynamically connects the relationship of the believer to God in Christ with the relationship that disciples are called to share with their neighbors and the political arrangements that are most conducive to human flourishing.

Vanier’s Last Community: Hospice

The Canadian theologian and humanitarian Jean Vanier, who founded L’Arche in 1964, has entered hospice care.

Pensions for Cuban Priests

Presiding Bishop: “This is not just fundraising; it’s following Jesus and finding our way back to each other.”

Supplies for Besieged Syrians

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches in providing supplies to cover winter needs.

A New Year for Migration Ministry

Episcopal Migration Ministries receives a holiday surprise of a renewed contract with the State Department.


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