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mental health

Learning Balance from ‘Inside Out 2’

Post-pandemic, most of us are dealing with anxiety at a new level.

Deputies Reject 10% Assessment, Back Healthcare Changes

Diocesan assessments to remain at 15 percent, while healthcare inequities will be addressed.

Anglicanism and Depression

With the launch of TLC‘s new website, you can now subscribe to Covenant, receiving it every day right in your inbox. — Editor. “Good blazing fires” — that’s...

Finding Hope in My Father’s World

We sang “This is My Father’s World” at least once every year in the church of my childhood, on the Sunday of the church...

Stress Compounded for Clergy in Pandemic

In the 2020 Stress in America Report, the American Psychological Association finds that 78 percent of Americans say the pandemic is a significant source of stress in their lives.

What Mentally Ill Persons Wish their Clergy Understood

By Shirley O’Shea In the summer of 2016, I experienced a profound bipolar depression that made daily functioning for me impossible. The breakdown — this...

Narcissism, Psychiatry, and Pastoral Care

A growing number of younger clergy are looking to reclaim the theological heritage of the church, but we must also recognize that not all personal problems are theological problems.

Facing an Invisible Storm: Mood Disorders in Church Workers

The Episcopal Church and other denominations are exploring ways to relieve anxiety and depression in a profession that has to respond to death and crises.

Dementia strikes my younger brother

Reason tells me that there is little more I could have done for Chris, yet remorse lingers.

A first-rate insanity: Leadership and mental illness

Is there a link between mental illness and forceful leadership?


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