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We Will Remember Them

By Rosemary Kew In the small English town of Oundle, where my mother spent 35 of her last years, daffodils were planted in 1919 in...

Never forget, never again: Keeping Civil War memorials

We must acknowledge the good, but also the bad, of our past — memories of deliverance, but also that from which we were delivered.

Maundy Thursday and the architecture of remembrance

In what way is this night, to use the words of God to Moses and the people of Israel, a "memorial" (Ex. 12:14)?

The value of Church buildings

Our heritage and church buildings can become idols, but so can virtually anything: our work, our country, or even our children.

From Crisis to Renewal

The renewal of the Church and of Creation will require people who know in their bones that the path to life leads through sacrifice and death.

From crisis to renewal: the Episcopal Church and all Creation

The renewal of the Church and of Creation will require people who know in their bones that the path to life leads through sacrifice and death.


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