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Lenten Meditations

Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Meditations is now available in English and Spanish at episcopalrelief.org/Lent.

Prepare for Christ

Ten books for Advent and Christmas

Why kids?

It’s a whole new level of children-should-be-not-heard — we’re moving toward children-need-not-actually-exist.

Stumbling blocks

Humility, unseeing, holds out its hand to be led, and of it is said, "Cursed be he who places a stumbling block in front of the blind man." Charity, seeing, chooses, as it were, to move less in its progress, in order not to desert humility.

Ex. 19-21; Ps. 23; Matt. 24

The third of three meditations I have written for the Center for Biblical Studies

Ex. 16-18; Ps. 22; Matt. 23

The second of three meditations I have written for the Center for Biblical Studies

Ex. 13-15; Ps. 21; Matt. 22

The first of three meditations I have written for the Center for Biblical Studies


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