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How to give God a gift

We want to glorify God by giving him everything we have. What could we possibly give him that would amplify in any way the radiance that he already possesses?

Meditations on the Mass: The blessing

The blessing is an invocation, a hope, a foretaste of what is to come: peace.

Meditations on the Mass: The Prayer of Humble Access

We are not given crumbs. We are given a full meal. And not just any meal. We come for the foretaste of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb, the bread of heaven and the cup of salvation.

Meditations on the Mass: The Collect for Purity

God sees each one of us as we really are: every thought, both good and bad, every passing fantasy, every deep longing desire, every momentary burst of anger, our every virtue and our every vice.

The prayers of the people

Unlike eucharistic prayers, the Prayers of the People have received little attention.

TBT: The Eastward position

In the the April 28, 1968, issue of The Living Church, Fr. Francis W. Read considered "experiments" with facing the people during the Eucharist.

Further facing into the Eucharist: A friendly response to Bishop Martins

The Eucharist is only a meal because it is first and most fundamentally a sacrifice.

Churches need incense

Incense may not be a hill worth dying on, but it is at least a hill worth strategizing for. It is a shot to the gut of comfortable, consumer-friendly religion.

A pitch for daily Communion: in response to Mac Stewart

Daily Communion is not just for Anglo-Catholic smells-and-bells types.

Christian worship is boring

The Holy Eucharist is supposed to be boring. So claims the Catholic theologian James Alison. He says, “When people tell me that they find...


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