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Mark Lawrence

‘+Welby and being a people of peace

Yes, there are important disagreements and issues at stake. Yes, there’s enough blame to go around. But let’s not compare each other to terrorists and schoolchildren-murderers. Let’s at least start there.

A bridge not far enough

The Presiding Bishop has released a pastoral letter to the people of the Diocese of South Carolina. If one wishes to see an olive...

For the Love of God

This post is an exercise in futility. So why bother? Because it is sometimes in such moments when truth can be most clearly spoken....

Several primates support Bishop Lawrence

Global South letter: “We all want to assure you and the Diocese of South Carolina of our continuing prayers and support.”

Primates Support +Lawrence

Global South letter: “We all want to assure you and the Diocese of South Carolina of our continuing prayers and support.”

‘He Has Abandoned Nothing’

Bishop Daniel Martins: “[I]t strains every notion of common sense to apply the charge of ‘abandonment’ in this case.”

Bishops Seek Meeting with Bp. Lawrence

“Since we [bishops of Province IV] have had no direct communication from you regarding these reported actions, we determined that it is our duty as bishops of this province to address these concerns in direct communication with you, as Jesus exhorts his followers in Matthew’s Gospel (18:15-20), and in accord with our ordination vows regarding the unity and governance of the church.”

Bp. Henderson Explains Disciplinary Board’s Duty

In response to questions from The Living Church and others, the Rt. Rev. Dorsey Henderson, president of the Disciplinary Board for Bishops, provided this...

‘The Question Is not Whether We Can Stay’

From the Diocese of South Carolina: In an atmosphere of prayerful solemnity, the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese of South Carolina gathered at Saint...

The need for transparency

We have considered carefully the available information related to the allegations against Bishop Mark Lawrence that are currently under review by the Disciplinary Board for Bishops. That information discloses an extended and troubling sequence of events that raises serious questions about transparency in the church.


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