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Confronting Systemic Homophobia with Biblical Social Justice

Editor's Preface: This is the second of two essays on parish ministry and sexuality. The first essay may be found here. The two authors...

Are We an LGBT-Affirming Parish?

Editor's Preface: This is the first of two essays on parish ministry and sexuality. The second essay will appear tomorrow. The two authors ultimately...

Pope Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans: Over the Rubicon, past the Tiber, and into a Sea of Change

The recent text from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), issued just a week before Christmas, is likely to change, well,...

A Relatable Rendition of Religious Life

The Rev. Dr. Cole Hartin reviews Shelterbelts.

Defending the Inward Turn

A Critical Review of Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self In an early scene in “The Foundling,” episode four of The...

For and Against Consent in the Election of Charlie Holt

In the first part of this series, I explained the role of bishops in the church and the function of the consent process. As...

Communion and Disagreement in the New Testament: Acts 15

The following essay is excerpted from a chapter in When Churches in Communion Disagree, ed. Robert Heaney, Christopher Wells, and Pierre Whalon (Living Church...

The Grammar of Communion

The following essay is excerpted from a chapter in When Churches in Communion Disagree, ed. Robert Heaney, Christopher Wells, and Pierre Whalon (Living Church...

Ghanaian Bishops Soften Stance on Anti-Gay Bill

The bishops say parts of the law are "severe and must be reviewed" -- a change from their former enthusiastic support

Council Roundup: Budget, Russia-Ukraine, LGBT

The council provided some financial relief to dioceses from a multi-million-dollar surplus


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