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lex orandi lex credendi

St. Anselm and Prayerful Theology

St. Anselm can only be understood in light of his aim: the joy-filled experience of the beatific vision.

Leonel Mitchell, reshaped

Liturgical scholar Leonel Mitchell played a central role in preparing the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.

Theology at prayer

In a section of the Summa on prayer, St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) alerts us to three perennial errors, pitfalls at the intersection of prayer and theology.

Liturgical anti-intellectualism

Today, the liturgy is to Anglicans what the Bible is to evangelicals: a debilitating intellectual crutch used to excuse indifference to — and even hatred of — the ecclesial commitments borne and sustained by rigorous and thus humbling study.

Mary: an icon of human destiny in Christ

Mary shows us our own destiny as children of God and as heirs with Christ of the promises of the Father. The Blessed Virgin shows us what it looks like to be a finite creature wrapped, by grace and faith and love, in God’s own eternity.


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