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Changes to Title IV in 2025

Those who administer Title IV in their dioceses must model the best behavior and loving kindness toward all involved. It is also incumbent upon church leaders, lay and ordained, to educate themselves about Title IV.

Advent Invites Us to a Better Eschatology

Ours is a world with no shortage of injustice. All too often Christian churches have had a hand in fomenting and preserving it, though...

A Review — Circle of Hope: A Reckoning with Love, Power, and Justice in an American Church

A chance encounter in 2019 sparked Eliza Griswold’s five-year immersive reporting project with Circle of Hope Church in Philadelphia. She was in downtown Philly...

Peacemaking and the Theology of St. Oscar Romero

Editor's Note: This essay won the Second Prize in the 2024 TLC Student Essay Contest. While I do not remember when I was first introduced...

USPG Begins Distributing £7 Million in Barbados

The Rev. Dr. Duncan Dormor of USPG: “Just to say, ‘We’re sorry’ — sorry for what, and what are we going to do about it?”

An Illiberal Moment

In yet another narrowly contested election year in the United States, the country’s liberal political order has come under increasing attack, both intellectually and...

The Sabbath and the Dignity of the Weak

If you cannot keep the Sabbath, you cannot save a life. This is Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s bold implication in his little-known essay “Pikuach Neshama.”...

Violence and Lament, Justice, Peace, and Hope

A Sermon for Parents’ Weekend, 2023 at St. James School He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require...

The Fullness of Time

By Eugene R. Schlesinger   But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,  in...

On Justice

By Daniel Martins The brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers on May 25 triggered an explosive response across the nation (and beyond)...


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