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John Wesley

God or Wealth?

By Bryan Owen "When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.” Those words are attributed to...

The Asbury Revival

On February 8, after what had been a regularly scheduled chapel service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, something unexpected took place: the students...

Anglicans, Methodists, and Evangelicals

The Hanoverian Church is usually consigned to oblivion by 21st-century commentators in search of more familiar names and more “relevant” theological pickings.

Methodists and Anglicans: Lingering differences

Bishops, creeds, Eucharist — Anglican and Methodist stances toward these continue to differ.

The double cure

Toplady's “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” qualifies as one of the richest hymns, with its biblical allusions, soteriological vision, and complex history.

Methodists and Anglicans: Zeal and patience

The healing of Anglican-Methodist division requires an honesty about our differences and our history.

Anglicans, Methodists Closer to Unity

The time may have arrived for interchangeable ministries between the Church of England and the Methodist Church.

John Wesley, Catholic forerunner?

John Henry Newman wrote, "Who would not rather be found even with Whitfield and Wesley, than with ecclesiastics whose life is literary ease at the best, whose highest flights attain but to Downing Street or the levee?"

Bring Back Watchnight

Watchnight is a marvelous way to clean up our messes and mend our broken relationships with God and neighbor.

Advent gumbo

The work of preparation involves paring or trimming things out of our lives, like using a paring knife to trim the vegetables and cut away the fat from the chicken in a gumbo.


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