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Jesse Zink

Montreal’s Anglican & United Church Seminaries Join

Montreal Diocesan Theological College, one of the Anglican Church of Canada’s 12 official seminaries, announced January 22 that it is entering into a strategic alliance with the United Theological College, a seminary of the pan-Protestant United Church of Canada.

Montreal College Calls Zink

The Rev. Jesse Zink will become the next principal of Montreal Diocesan Theological College on Aug. 1.

Walking and talking: roundup of 25 “Primates” responses

By Matt Townsend Official and unofficial responses to the meeting have poured out, making clear that many within the Anglican Communion are walking and talking.

Look to Africa

The World Council of Churches is headquartered in Geneva, even though there are probably more Christians in a neighborhood of Lagos or Nairobi than all of Switzerland.


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