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Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows

Bishops Discuss Church Center Realignment

“Administrative burden strains our capacity at the congregational and diocesan level. It actually inhibits our ability to focus on that core work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ,” said the Rt. Rev. Craig Loya of Minnesota, the host bishop.

Curry Tribute: A Genuine Pastor

Bishop Curry’s accomplishments, inspirational sermons, sage wisdom, and steady urging to follow in the ways of Jesus are already filling books on our shelves.

Young Clergy Connect, Learn in Manhattan

About 70 young Episcopal clergy and seminarians gathered in New York on May 9 and 10 to learn from the Presiding Bishop, seven serving bishops, and other senior leaders about their common calling.

Congregation Disaffiliates from ACNA and Heads for TEC

"We sensed there was better alignment for [our church] within the Episcopal Church (and especially the Diocese of Indianapolis) than there was within the ACNA."

Book Celebrates First Five Black Female Diocesan Bishops

A chance conversation in an airport inspired a Band of Sisterhood.

The shadow over black achievement: Jordan Edwards and Bishop Baskerville-Burrows

Bishop Baskerville-Burrows and Jordan Edwards represent the two realities of being black in America. There's no better time to be black, and a shadow hovers over our achievement.


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