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December 22 2024 Issue

People & Places, January 8

Appointments, retirements, and one parish closure in the Episcopal Church

Astrologers, Priests, and Kings

This book highlights features of Matthew’s, traces the development of the Magis’ story in early and medieval tales based on the biblical story, and surveys references to this great tradition.

Rehill, Stevenson, and Wooden

Remembering Michael Ford Rehill, Joyce (Joy) Owen Stevenson, and Lorentho Wooden

Where Is He? (Christmas 2, Year C)

January 5 | Christmas 2, Year C Jeremiah 31:7-14 Psalm 84 or 84:1-8 Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-19a Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 or Luke 2:41-52 or Matthew 2:1-12 Every year around Christmas,...

People & Places, December 25

Appointments, ordinations, and a restored ministry across the Episcopal Church

East Harling: Amazing Glazing and a Remarkable Lady

The rebuilding campaign of St. Peter and St. Paul Church was led not by a vicar or a knight but by a remarkable lady, Anne Herling Chamberlain Wingfield.

Knowing God (Christmas 1, Year C)

Although the Word is expressed by God in creation, it is God — he always was and always will be God.

TLC’s Christmas Gift Suggestions, 2024

Friends of TLC offer a vast array of gifts, from books to music to experiences.

Don’t Miss God’s Blessings (Advent 4, Year C)

Humility is the model God presented through the prophet Micah.

Discover Anew the Light and Glory of God

I found these volumes on Christmas and Epiphany to offer a depth of insight in slim volumes on seemingly well-known anchors in the calendar.


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