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Tobacco and Twitter: What One Can Teach Us About the Other

Tobacco use was once so prevalent and socially acceptable that we could hardly imagine a world without it. Now it’s by and large exiled...

How to Internet

Prior to beginning my road to the ordained ministry I worked in software and web design. I had some good luck with it, but...

The Decline of Celebrity Pastors

Contemporary evangelicalism has always been adept at using technology to advance its missionary outreach. The latest iteration of this aptitude has been the way...

Anglicans Online: A Retrospective

The opportunity to offer a personal retrospective on the website is a happy and welcome thing, if here emphatically personal. Anglicans Online’s inner workings were always a group effort of deep magic.

Homo Digitalis

Technology presents us with opportunities, but also significant challenges.

Online Catechesis

How are we going to help those people who are seeking Christ online? How can the Church make the most of this opportunity?

What on earth has happened to us? A review of Heffernan’s Magic and Loss

Virginia Heffernan's Magic and Loss attempts to chronicle a tectonic shift through a series of essays on the experience of the Internet as art.

Limiting free speech? The Church’s response to pornography

"While the production and use of pornography has always been a problem, in recent years its impact has grown exponentially, in large part due to the Internet and mobile technology. Some have even described it as a public health crisis."

Curiosity’s children

I wonder if the unencumbered thirst for knowledge that is so glorified in our culture has brought with it an inclination towards vice, or a particular kind of vice, that might otherwise go under the radar.

The web’s ruinous structure

With so much data and so many voices, we each have knowledge formerly hard-won by decades of specialization. With some new fact or temptation perpetually beckoning, we may be the superficial avatars of an A.D.D. culture.


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