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Praying amid the Partial Shutdown

“Be with those workers, Lord, and give them strength to meet the days ahead.”

Keillor Describes Healing Prayer

Garrison Keillor: “I whispered that I have too much anger about a wrong done to me and I feel crippled by anger, and she prayed in a soft Caribbean voice, a long prayer, as I stood there, trembling.”

Bp. Scanlan on Prayers

The Rt. Rev. Audrey Scanlan, Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, reflects on different forms of prayer that she practices day by day.

Bp. Reed on Sunday’s Shootings

“Jesus wept — grief, mourning and lament overtook him, for love of the individual and for love of the community.”

Timeless Prayer

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry offers the Lord’s Prayer in response to a new mass shooting in Texas.

The privilege of prayer for the president

It is good to remember that when Paul speaks about interceding for kings and those in positions of authority he was himself soon to be martyred.

Presiding Bishop: Time to Pray

PB Michael Curry has called for prayer for regions that are experiencing violence and civil strife.

We’re praying wrong

Petitionary prayer has run amok. We should be doing it, but to what end?

Against empathy?

Is there a Christian alternative to empathy? Can we react to others with compassionate warmth and care without imagining that we need to experience what they experience?


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