IASCUFO’s Nairobi-Cairo Proposals suggest a “narrow revision” of the 1930 Lambeth Conference’s classic description of the Communion that decenters the phrase “in communion with the See of Canterbury,” as well as a term-limited, rotating presidency for the Anglican Consultative Council.
The Rt. Rev. Nestor Poltic, Bishop of North Central Philippines, was elected the eighth prime bishop and primate Episcopal Church in the Philippines by the...
By Mark Michael
Bishops at the Lambeth Conference on August 1 endorsed an Anglican Congress in the Global South to enable “the broad Anglican family...
By David Goodhew
Justin Welby and official Anglican structures have been silent over the oppression of Uighur Muslims, the people of Hong Kong, and Chinese...
A smaller staff and a move away from centralized programs should be the way forward for the Anglican Communion Office, says a review made public on January 19