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“Open Table,” Excommunication, and the Mission of the Church

By Matthew Kemp  As we approach the next (belated) General Convention, there is once again a proposal, Resolution C028, to rescind the requirement that one...

Thinking Outside the Box: A Pre-Christendom Intervention in the Communion Without Baptism Debate

By Daniel Martins According to the materials that have been made available to bishops and deputies who will be in Baltimore this summer for the...

What Will It Add?  Why Require Confirmation for Bearing the Cup

By Calvin Lane What will it add? she asked me. I was enjoying a brunch with a delightful retired couple who had relocated to our...

Sacrament of Maturity

By Sam Keyes Of all the sacraments, confirmation is the most widely misunderstood. Among Protestants, it often functions, at worst, as a mere coming-of-age ritual....

Confirmation of Confirmation

Lots of Episcopalians, lay and ordained, seem to think they know what confirmation is, but our canons and liturgical forms are, at best, ambiguous, and there’s nothing approaching broad agreement about how to interpret them.

Baptismal Catechesis

I think that we have given the idea of lowering expectations about Christian identity and catechesis at the point of entry a thorough exploration over the past fifty years or so. The 1979 Prayer Book calls us to a different standard, to live more fully into the church’s vocation as a baptizing community.


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