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Leviticus and the Incarnation

In recent years, I have reached the conclusion that nobody can study Leviticus without being utterly blown away by the incarnation. Leviticus 19:2 provides the...

‘Visio Divina’ and the Art of the Nativity

I recently reviewed a beautiful book, Divine Love: Art of the Nativity by Sarah Drummond, which occupies a place at the intersection of art history...

Christmas With Our Mother

Last Christmas I was 10 days postpartum with my first child. Most of my memories of that time are lost in a sleep-deprived blur,...

The Real ‘Great Divide’

By Charlie Clauss In The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn tells the story of the Soviet gulag. He sprinkles in pieces of autobiography: while an officer...

The Presence of Immanuel

By Thomas Kincaid It’s Day 11 of Christmas. These twelve days are almost over. Certainly our secular lives have mostly come crushing back (despite the...

To Tremble With Glee

By Christopher Yoder The Cherry Tree Carol has roots in medieval mystery plays and, ultimately, an apocryphal story about the journey of Mary and Joseph...

A Christmas Paradox

By Molly Jane Layton When St. John the Evangelist wrote the Christmas story, he left out all of the Christmas. There are no angels, no...

The Incarnation: God’s Great Eucatastrophe

By Neal Michell People throng to Christmas Eve services, but few attend Christmas Day services. Somehow, the simplicity of Christmas Day services allows the truth...

A Christmas without war: Power and hope at the end of Christmastide

By Esau McCaulley This year there was a noticeable lack of emotion related to the supposed “War on Christmas.” We all know that “war” might...

The Blood and the Name

By Timothy P. O’Malley On the eighth day after his birth, before receiving the “name above all names” (Phil. 2:9), Jesus was circumcised. The temptation is...


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