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On Hunting

By Chip Prehn Sir Roger Scruton, who died too young last January, came late to fox-hunting but made up for this by becoming one of...

“Jesus has gone to work from home” – Don’t You Believe It!

By Mark Clavier There’s little on social media that really riles me. When I log onto Facebook or Twitter, I go with the expectation that...

ETHICS: Homelessness

To be homeless is not simply to be without shelter, but to be deprived of the stable foundation and dignity which is basic for living life in all its fullness.

All we, like turtles: my journeys with Psalm 23

Sister Mary Margaret Funk carries her home — her spiritual center, her place of connection with God — wherever she goes.

10 tips for domestic beauty

If beauty will save the world, how do we participate in it? 10 tips.

Consider your children, how they grow

What price do we really pay for our omni-technologized lives, and will our kids foot the bill?

Homeward bound

Since my visit to Baton Rouge, I’ve often wondered why Mom could not have seen the transformation of her childhood home before her death.

Against the world for the world

Grass and sky are but a distant memory, as unto the land of Zion for the exiles in Babylon of old. I sit myself down by the rivers of Clear Creek Mall, and sing songs of Zion. It is time to go home.

In him no South or North

What began as a mental celebration of the South’s honor became a frightening reflection on my regionalist hubris.


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