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Sursum corda

This is the last of three reflections on hierarchy. Part one, Part two. By Christopher Wells Human beings are made for worship of God: at once,...

The Evangelical Edge

 This is the second of three reflections on hierarchy. Part one is here. By Christopher Wells Digging deeper into the origins of hierarchy, one comes to...

Church Order: Neither Nostalgic nor Progressive

This is the first of three reflections on hierarchy. By Christopher Wells We denizens of democratic spaces do not much like rulers. We like, in the...

Mind the Generation Gap

In the Episcopal Church, we have a stand-off brewing between the Boomers and the Millennials.

I want you to use me

When Augustine says that God alone is to be enjoyed, and everything else — including human beings — used, he does not mean that everything besides God is worthless.

The beautiful architecture of faith: life-giving structures, power, hierarchy

Do we have any sense of a beautiful harmony between church structures, the ordained ministry, and the ethical lives of Christian individuals?

Hot pockets and the hierarchy of good

Teenage boys like Hot Pockets. I do not know why. They also do crazy things like destroying microwaves with overheated Oreos. That’s a new...

Liturgy and becoming a “less bad” person

One thing that I’ve noticed on this blog is a willingness to criticize inflated claims for the liturgy. But, properly chastened, can we make claims that the liturgy "works," making you a better person?

Polity politics or the rule of law?

A Response to Bishop Whalon


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