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Forgiveness and Guilt in a Cancel Culture World

By Clint Wilson Writing in spring of 2017, Wilfrid M. McClay penned an article entitled “The Strange Persistence of Guilt,” which garnered a decent amount...

Punishing Children for their Fathers’ Sins

In modern America, we have decided that punishing children for the perceived crimes of their parents is both acceptable and practical.

The strange endurance of torture

The “logic” of torture, that “it was okay to torture the guilty,” continued in Chicago policing at least into the 1970s.

A forensic experience

During the week Lent began, I was summoned to the county courthouse as a candidate for a jury, but I wondered what it would be like to be in the defendant’s chair.

The burden of self-righteousness

The social pressure to "apologize" is always intended to make the person submit and conform to the herd. Until that time, the public shaming will be relentless.


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