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gospel of Matthew

How Does Jesus Build His Church?

By Justin S. Holcomb   And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell...

The Seedbed of Christian Biblical Interpretation

The Commentary of Origen on the Gospel of St Matthew. By Ronald E. Heine First edition. 2 vols. Oxford Early Christian Texts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018,...

The Holy One Called Home

By Ian Olson The season of Epiphany is another phase of the time between the times, inviting the church to remember the revealing of the...

Whose authority, whose politics? John the Baptist’s Advent warning

Perhaps we could say that what the Baptist said does not matter as much as the fact that he said it, how he said it, to whom he said it, in whose name and by what authority he said it, and at what cost he said it. Perhaps what Jesus says about his own good works and about John’s confrontation with the authorities, even if it hardly amounts to a political philosophy, is what the Church needs to sure of before it can have a political philosophy. Perhaps if we have a problem with Matthew 11 it is that it just too clear and simple to be ignored.


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