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Gospel of Mark

Lingering on the Banks of the Jordan

The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaiah the prophet: “Behold, I am sending...

Jesus, Baptism, and the Reversal of Death in Mark 4:1–5:43

By Paul D. Wheatley Life lived on this side of eternity is beset with an awareness of its finitude. We live with a quiet sense...

Harmonious Gospels: Symphony in (Year) B

By Jay Thomas As the season after Epiphany trudged through these long winter months before ceding its place to Lent, the Christmas season faded to...

Good News for the Whole Creation

 Mark 15:1-16:20 By Bryan Owen As we bring our journey through the Gospel according to Mark to a close, we come to the climax of the...

Leading to the Cross, the Tactical Victory of Christ

Mark 13:14-14:72 In the Rockefeller Chapel at the University of Chicago in 1962, German theologian Karl Barth was asked by a student to summarize his...

Jesus is Full of Surprises

Mark 11:1-13:13 By Cole Hartin My wife sometimes reminds me of Jesus. Let me tell you what I mean: Based on years together, I have built up a...

Believing that the Good News is Good

Mark 8:27-10:52 By David Barr In this week’s readings for the Good Book Club (Mark 8:27-10:52), we see two of the most prominent expressions of Jesus’...

Comfort Food

Mark 6:30–8:26 By Eugene R. Schlesinger With these verses we approach the mid-point at the Gospel of Mark, where Jesus will ask his disciples, and, by...

Parables, Power, and Perseverance

Mark 4:1-6:29 By Jonathan Turtle In chapters four through six of Mark’s Gospel, the reader is introduced to the purpose of Christ’s parables, the nature of...

The Beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ

Mark 1–3 By Brandt L. Montgomery The oldest of the four canonical New Testament Gospels, the Gospel According to Saint Mark stresses the mighty works of...


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