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Good Shepherd

Shepherd and Cross (Pentecost 9, Year B)

“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture” (Jer. 23:1).

Sunday’s Readings: Truth and Action

Jesus is “the good shepherd of [his] people.” We hear him as he calls us each by name and leads us “along right pathways” suitable to our vocation and station in life.

Good Shepherds

By Jonathan Turtle What makes for a good pastor? Is there a metric by which we could discern good pastors from bad? Could we even...

Wholly to this One Thing

By Jonathan Turtle Christian priests and ministers of the gospel are called with precision and urgency to a single burning passion. Yes, particular individuals may...

Psalm 23 and a Biblical Imagination for Catechesis

The Church Fathers invite us to teach the faith in ways that emerge out of patient readings and re-readings of Scripture.

Christian Discipleship in Northern Canada

I determined at the outset that Christian teaching must have concrete purchase on the lives of Christian people.


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