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Watch With Me

By Elisabeth Rain Kincaid Jesus said, wait with me. But the disciples slept. Mary Oliver’s haunting poem, “Gethsemane,” contrasts the faithfulness of elements of nature to...

Leading to the Cross, the Tactical Victory of Christ

Mark 13:14-14:72 In the Rockefeller Chapel at the University of Chicago in 1962, German theologian Karl Barth was asked by a student to summarize his...

The Melancholy of Gethsemane: Honest Reflections on Priestly Ministry

This is the melancholy of Gethsemane: the realization that the road ahead to God lies through moments of despondency, “accompanied” by people too tired themselves even to stay awake while you cry out in frustration.

Christ’s Agony and Scourging

The great gift and power of the rosary is its laser focus on the “mysteries” — the sacraments — of our faith.


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