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George Herbert

Lord Harries on George Herbert in Advent

Lord Harries draws attention to George Herbert’s awareness of his sinfulness, and rightly points out that this is something modern people, including many modern Christians, would like to avoid thinking about.

Ash and Johnny Cash

By Clint Wilson I don’t always turn to music stars for spiritual nourishment, but when I do, I turn toward Johnny Cash. A few years ago,...

“Oh Book!” Part One: Scripture as Beloved

By Nathan Wall Christians use all kinds of words to describe the Bible. Catholics call it Sacred Scripture. Protestants of various stripes call it inerrant,...

Should priests be paid to pray?

Are daily rounds of prayer something that ought to be offered “off the clock,” rather than as part of the job?

‘Interpret thine own work’: Figural reading with George Herbert and John Donne

Donne and Herbert show us what happens when we find ourselves “translated” by the Bible’s figures: our lives are transformed as they are translated into God’s mother tongue, mercy.

A meditation for Lent I

This brief meditation for the first Sunday in Lent was originally printed in the bulletin at my parish, Trinity Episcopal Church in Lawrence, Kansas.


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