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A Thicker Constellation of Vocation

It’s become commonplace to talk about vocation. In many ordination processes, the discerner is expected to articulate their vocation to the priesthood. Many college...

The Unsettling God of Abraham

"'God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob,’ not of philosophers and scholars.” After Blaise Pascal’s death, a piece of parchment with these...

The Genesis of the World by the Word

John begins his Gospel with a recapitulation of the creation account in Genesis.

Beauty in continuity

The paintings in the Chauvet Cave scream out a message of beauty in continuity. They reflect a sacrosanct cultural order that was highly successful for hundreds of generations in instilling its values via the representation of the world outside the walls of the cave.

Confession, repentance, and reception: O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, I will come to you

One of the things I have been astonished by in my six years of parish ministry are the varied ways that self-hatred imprisons us...


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