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Small Beginnings (Pent. 25, Year B)

The Lord wants our love pouring out from the heart, vibrating in the mind, searing the soul, going from strength to strength.

Generosity’s Future Effect

The Most Rev. Kristina Rake reviews Faithful Giving: The Heart of Planned Gifts.

Partners in Righteous Work

Fellowship is at the heart of the divine economy, a partnership in well-doing.

Offer a Mite

The Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Assisting Bishop of San Diego, renews her call to support pensions for clergy in the Diocese of Cuba.

Rowing into Retirement

The parishioners of St. Andrew’s, Ben Lomond, built a rowboat for their retiring rector, the Rev. Blaine Hammond.

Radical Hospitality

Some signs were so old and rusted that service times were no longer readable. One was attached to a chain-link fence with razor wire crowning the top.

‘There’s Plenty Good Room’

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry praises Billy Graham's big-tent evangelism.

Designated Tithing

Trends in giving and their implications for churches

From Wall Street to Ambridge

The oldest book in the donated collection was published in 1695: Christian Life by John Scott.

New Generosity in England

Church of England stewardship adviser John Preston: “Giving has tripled from the 1.1 percent we saw 35 years ago.”


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