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Christianity’s Future

In 2000, I made a presentation in the Diocese of Texas on the importance of the 20/20 movement for the future of the Episcopal...

The Parable of the Past

Bit by bit, our links to significant episodes of human existence are dissolving.

On begetting a son

Begetting is baked into our nature. It is part of the goodness of the created order: to procreate is to partake in the blessing of God (Gen. 1:28).


Older people continue to run things. Look at the two main Democratic Presidential candidates in the US. For all the struggles to get younger people into positions of leadership and decision-making, some institutions remain inherently age-weighted, and will stay that way.

Evangelicals still aren’t Jewish enough: a roundabout argument for infant baptism

If you've lived in evangelical sub-culture long enough, you probably have Gentile friends who try to do the Messianic Jew thing, kippahs, tallits, shofars, and all. But it's not enough.


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