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Gay Clark Jennings

Campaign Begins for House of Deputies President

One woman has formally declared her candidacy, while another has acknowledged an interest.

Process Set for Picking Next HoD President

The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings is term-limited and will step down at the end of General Convention.

General Convention 2021 May Happen in 2022

The 2021 Baltimore General Convention has not been postponed, but the Church has announced a fall-back plan.

‘This Is Not the Way of Love’

The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president of the House of Deputies, denounces Archbishop Justin Welby’s decision on same-sex bishops’ spouses at Lambeth.

Director Fees for the PHoD

The House of Bishops approved a resolution authorizing “director and officer fees” for the president of the House of Deputies, a demanding job that has always been filled by a volunteer.

Time for a President’s Salary?

General Convention will include a faceoff between bishops and deputies about whether the church should pay a salary to the president of the House of Deputies.

Budget Priority: Evangelism

In response to “a clarion call” of comments on the proposed budget that was posted in November, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church added more than $1.8 million to the church’s planned spending for evangelism.

Convention Committee Leaders

Deputies President Gay C. Jennings announces multiple appointments for General Convention committees.

Walking and talking: roundup of 25 “Primates” responses

By Matt Townsend Official and unofficial responses to the meeting have poured out, making clear that many within the Anglican Communion are walking and talking.

Storming Racism with Prayer

The Episcopal Church’s presiding officers have endorsed End Racism Sunday.


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