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Forward Movement

‘An Inspiring Evangelist’

Jerusalem Greer of Greenbrier, Ark., begins her work March 1 as the Episcopal Church’s staff officer for evangelism.

15 Years of Lenten Meditations

The 2019 edition of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Meditations celebrates the devotional’s 15th anniversary by collecting readers’ favorites.

Portable Advent Readings

Designed for more than Advent, this volume provides daily meditations from the first Sunday of our liturgical year through the feast of Epiphany.

Brothers Meet in Austin

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew hears from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Scott Gunn of Forward Movement.

Forward Movement Buys ChurchNext

ChurchNext celebrates new home by offering a free course by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

One Deputy’s Public Service: Blue’s Clues

Scott Gunn: “It might feel good to vote yes on a resolution that addresses a topic of importance to us, but does that make passing a resolution the best course of action?”

Evangelism Matters to Stream

Evangelism Matters will be available through live streaming and on demand.

No to Proposals, Yes to Progress

The Rev. Canon Scott Gunn, Executive Director of Forward Movement, responds to the marriage task force and to Fully Alive.

Discipleship and Celebration

By Richard J. Mammana, Jr. • “Congregations are strong when they are filled with disciples rather than habitual Christians.”

Rise in Glory: E.S. Gleason

Edward S. Gleason led Forward Movement into the early days of the digital transformation.


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