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An appeal for the ongoing education of the clergy

Three years is surely not enough.

$1.5M to Trinity School for Ministry

Hansen Foundation’s large gift will support the Robert E. Webber Center for an Ancient Evangelical Future.

Education that Crosses Divides

Wesley Hill: “Our experience of praying together is challenging us to reach across other kinds of impaired communion.”

Policy of truth

I will only sketch here the beginnings of a constructive Christian response to the false religion of violence and assault that is proving so seductive for our contemporary western culture, as for so many cultures before.

Storytellers and Transformation

Marvin A. McMickle: “God is not just entrusting the story to us. God is entrusting the congregation’s time to us.”

Hot pockets and the hierarchy of good

Teenage boys like Hot Pockets. I do not know why. They also do crazy things like destroying microwaves with overheated Oreos. That’s a new...

Rally Day ruminations: the problem with Sunday School

I think we've told Christian parents that it's not their job to be the teachers and spiritual leaders in their families.

Formation and Music

Hardwired songs in our brains, apparently, can be hotwired into our souls.

Schools of charity? Tell me more.

Monasticism can, and should, be a model for the "priesthood of all believers."

Fragmented formation: training clergy

Most of the conversation on ministerial formation is a load of crock. I suspect we engage in a little false advertising along the lines of: "Be transformed in three easy steps or your money back."


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