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Atonement Versus Cancel Culture

I love stories with surprising endings. Leon Uris, author of the 1958 bestseller Exodus failed high school English three times. When Lucille Ball began studying to...

Distinguishing Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness is an individual choice. Reconciliation is a group project.

Ethics: Forgiveness, in Three Parts

Forgiveness is a complex matter that requires discernment, a certain openness, a steadiness in truthful naming, a process over time, and more.

Grace and Social Justice

“Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our Church.” So begins Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s compelling book The Cost of Discipleship, written as he grappled with...

Yearning To Breathe Free: A Reflection On the Murder of George Floyd

"It demands great spiritual resilience not to hate the hater whose foot is on your neck, and an even greater miracle of perception and...

Luwum Reconciliation

The survivors of Archbishop Janani Luwum has reconciled with kinsmen of former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.

Forgive Us Our Sins

At the Living Church Institute’s December 13 Faith Talks in Dallas, Wesley Hill and Amber Noel examined the inner workings of confession and forgiveness.

Lessons from a Fallen Fence

“When the fence came down, we learned to become friends.”

Ambiguity in Forgiving

After the bombing, Coventry's provost did not write “Father Forgive Them,” only “Father Forgive.”

Forgiving Dylann Roof

Anthony B. Thompson preaches about how he lived by Christianity’s enduring theme of forgiveness after Dylann Roof murdered his Thompson’s wife and eight other Christians.


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